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Challenge of the day

Trashy Thursday: Reuse, reduce, recycle.

Climate changers

by: Braden P.

Help California!

by: Elias T.

Hello i’m Eli. I am another member of this organization and I’m am here to tell you about California. There where a lot of wild fires in California in 2018. And in 2019-2020 there still are wild fires happening. This is horrible you can help by donating to this charity:

Help Australia 

by: Leo M.

Please help Australia. Over a billion animals have died. If you would like to help Australia and all the land that has been burnt which is over 2,000 houses and in total 18 million acres donate to this charity:

Imagine a world without global changes . No hurricanes, earthquakes or natural disasters. We can make it rain more often and stop wild fires. Recently people have been dying in Australia due to wild fires. We can stop this. In Tennessee they have climate changers. We can make more of those everywhere. One problem is that they’re a lot of money to make so it will be challenging. But in the mean time we should use solar panels. Thank you for reading this article.

Plant Mushrooms! 

by: Georges C.

Plant mushrooms! Mushrooms release a chemical called Psilocybin. Which clusters water molecules forming clouds, fog, rain clouds. We need this to create rain clouds which dispose water dampening the Australian wild fires.


99.9% of all the worlds species have gone extinct do want that to be 100% to go extinct. That’s what I thought 16,000 whales have been killed in the last 83 years. We need to make a change because in a whales life span which is 60 years they absorb 33 tons of CO2 people need to stop killing these animals.

Help save the world from global warming

Global warming is effecting places all around the world. In Australia people and animals are suffering. We must stop this. Help by doing the things down below

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How you can help

Some big ways you can help is by taking shorter showers, and Using less hot water . Another big thing you can do to help is buy less things on line because the shipment is taken in a car which releases carbon dioxide. And packaging is made out of cardboard and cardboard is made out of paper and paper is made from trees and trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

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Whales  by: Harrison L.

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